Friday Fictioneers – The Gates

Yes, I know, it’s Monday and I’m just barely posting Friday Fictioneers now. Remember how I talked about that trouble meeting goals thing?  I’m working on it. It’s a process. Plus I was Very Busy all weekend. (No, for real. I’ll tell you more on Wednesday).

To say I’m a wee tiny bit behind on my life is an understatement of the highest degree. I’m off to catch up with that a bit more now (at 10:30PM at night.)

The Gates

copyright David Stewart

copyright David Stewart

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Friday Fictioneers – The Last Days of Summer

Ever have one of those weeks where everything gets away from you, no matter how carefully you have it all planned?

That’s what happened to Wednesday’s blog.

But in super-awesome news: everyone send congratulations to Katie over at Modern Mommy on the arrival of her beautiful baby girl, Savannah!

Let’s get to the story, shall we?

The Last Days of Summer

copyright Jennifer Pendergrast

copyright Jennifer Pendergrast

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It Approaches

Today is the first day of October, which means the start of National Novel Writing Month is only a month away.


I wasn’t sure if I was going to participate again this year. Last year was awesome but it is so time-consuming and life is so madhouse this year that I was weighing pros and cons.

Then I realized: If I can’t set aside one month – a single month – to focus on writing, whether I complete it or not, I will never finish anything. If I want to write, I need to make time.

Besides, it’s not like I sleep anyway.

So the main question now is: what will I write? The two main contenders are the second in the series that was started by last year’s BookThing and a non-fantasy slice of life piece that is being vaguely outlined. I’m not quite nuts enough to try both at once (no matter what Katie may try and tell you!), and even I know my limits.

This also means I’ll be fundraising for my ticket into the Night of Writing Dangerously again. I need to raise $275 minimum to get in, and there are only 225 seats available. The more I raise (for a non-profit, tax-deductable-donation, awesome children’s literature foundation), the more raffle entries I get, so that’s cool. I was going to attempt to be one of the top fundraisers, but as there are folks with well over $1000 in their kitty already… nope. I’ll just be happy to get there.

Last year’s BookThing, for those who may be curious, is currently having red pen bled all over its pages as I brutally edit (for the first round). Yes, I printed out the whole thing and am going through page by page. I can’t edit worth a damn on a computer.

Part of my prep this year – as opposed to last year which consisted of a whole lot of “Fuck it, I’m gonna do NaNo!” – is taking creative writing courses. Two free MOOCs on creative writing and fiction, and then I was gifted access to Rachael Herron‘s Udemy course How To Stop Stalling and Write Your Book. I’m pretty excited about that, as she is someone who is definitely up there on my “authors I admire” list. Plus, she knits too. So that’s keen.

I just have to survive October, first.